Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Friday, April 24, 2009

Cata's Blog

I was looking at Cata’s blog and I really like the way that she has it. Her blog is very fashionable. She has so many stuff in it. Cata added other links like the things she love, the most visited sites and the lovest cartoon ever.
I realized that have a blog is a good way to know what her tastes are.
I enjoyed looked her blog. But what I like the most was the interview .The girl was talking is really clever and smart. Also very talkative and beautiful (hahaha).
That is the stament that I choose:

Ministery for Culture
Chile. (p)

Dear Mrs. Paulina Urrutia
I am writing to express my disappointment with the way that teenagers ( **) post(t) and write(t) messages in the street, known as "graffitis". Actually, a colouring expression full of rebelliousness and juvenile communication. Nevertheless, as a(sp) urban art for many people,
( nn)the graffitis are also an inconvenience for medical centers and hospitals, recreative facilities, hotel, house and any type of installation.
In some cases,
vandalism attack in private property writing negative messages.
I strongly believe that you should find a solution about this problem. In fact, could be exist walls where the grafiteros could express,(p) which was(t) a center of attraction for them.
It`s true that they have the right to express because they look for walls where the public(ww) could catch the messages. I insist that the government should operate to solve this problem, offering them nearby walls with good location. Also, should exists a section that deals with the building cleanliness, maintenance of parks, squares and that wipe off the graffitis of these places.

I hope that you will look into this situation and take my comments into consideration.

Best regards(p)
Catalina Vilchez C
English Pedagogy student.

Ok! That's all!

Have a nice Weekend!
Warm regards,

Friday, April 17, 2009

Juvenile Delinquent

Dear Eugenio San Martin:

I'm writting to express my extreme dissastifaction with ACR (Adolescent Criminal Responsibility Law), that was establish in 2007 in our Country.
At the beginning of ACR the ministry had intention to care for adolescents security. In the law is written that there are three differents center. Every center had a different intention. Nowadays, it is difficult found any of the three center work out. I must insist on keep a check on all this situation. The worst thing is adolescents with problems don't have any one to support them.For that reason they need all the help that we can provide them. For that, I would like to know Why you don't do anything about it? Young people are inmersed in crime.They have know if they break any rule they will be punishment.
You'd better give this matter your urgent attention, please. I hope you will take my comments into consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Jocelyn Madariaga.

Friday, April 10, 2009

What do I do at Easter?

Easter used to be a relax time to spend in family. I enjoyed looking for all the garden something to eat. That was really fun!.Nowadays, I look my nephews and nieces did this.
This easter week, was very weird. First of all, I didn't spend time with my family because I was fighting for my rights as I worker. I waste all the days outside of home because of we were on strike. That was a good experience. I can saw differents point of view and feeling like a real worker.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Bad Manners

Most of people used to throwing litter in the street. Nowadays, this have a bad effect in our environment. People do not become aware of how bad is throw litter in any places. Because of that we have to be conscious and worry about our Earth.

Catalina talk how dangerous is throw litter in the street.

  • how big a problem is throwing litter in the street?
  • could you offer a solution about this?
  • would you be for or against of recycling litter?

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I love this page. It's very easy follow the exercises. Also, have a lot of vocabulary and many ways to learn english ( quizz, grammar, pronunciation , etc).

I never had the chance to see this page. Moreover, I was very interesting searching all the links. Making click in everywhere.

The most important thing who caught my attention and kept me busy was the funniest comics appear in the page. I read the most of them.They are very funny.

I think using creative and entertaining things makes English easier to understand.English is not a easy language.For that reason, futures teachers like us need to improve every day .

Come on! We can do it! :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My own way

I'm totally angry with anita because she didn't help me >-< , but I will never get mad with her. That is who i am, an extrovert person who like to laugh and tell jokes, but and the same time I lose my temper with little things. Sometimes this is call a bipolar person jaja! but my friends can stand my bad temper. Friendship is very important for me. My friends are a big support to me. They have been with me in the worst part of my life. Actually, I spend all my free time with them. This summer we travel together and I spend the best vacation ever.
I love my friends