Thursday, April 9, 2009


Bad Manners

Most of people used to throwing litter in the street. Nowadays, this have a bad effect in our environment. People do not become aware of how bad is throw litter in any places. Because of that we have to be conscious and worry about our Earth.

Catalina talk how dangerous is throw litter in the street.

  • how big a problem is throwing litter in the street?
  • could you offer a solution about this?
  • would you be for or against of recycling litter?


  1. that is a really interesting topic!!!
    i think we have to be more conscious about the consequences of our action, such as, throwing litter on the street, because we depend of this planet and if we insist in damaged it, where are we going to live?
    we need this planet and this planet needs us. so we should take care of it.

    kiss and hugs

  2. this is true ...I can´t stand hen people behave like that!!!

    this is a lack of education...I think..
