Friday, April 17, 2009

Juvenile Delinquent

Dear Eugenio San Martin:

I'm writting to express my extreme dissastifaction with ACR (Adolescent Criminal Responsibility Law), that was establish in 2007 in our Country.
At the beginning of ACR the ministry had intention to care for adolescents security. In the law is written that there are three differents center. Every center had a different intention. Nowadays, it is difficult found any of the three center work out. I must insist on keep a check on all this situation. The worst thing is adolescents with problems don't have any one to support them.For that reason they need all the help that we can provide them. For that, I would like to know Why you don't do anything about it? Young people are inmersed in crime.They have know if they break any rule they will be punishment.
You'd better give this matter your urgent attention, please. I hope you will take my comments into consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Jocelyn Madariaga.


  1. it was nice to know that there were three centers which were in charge of adolescents... but when you said that they aren't working, I feel shame about that, maybe they just don't care about young people in trouble.

  2. Your complaint letter was extremely good!!!
    Have good luck!!!

  3. the babby bottle like a jail!
    great complain post.
    see you

  4. i really do like your letter complain
    it is interesting.

    i like the picture too

    kiss and hugs

